Sunday, June 5, 2011

Forget (Not) the Past

Sa’unine performed songs with rich
Javanese flavor.

Forty-five men and women got on the open stage held at the
Bentara Budaya Jakarta. The men are in semi-batik outfits,
while the ladies were in beautiful “kebayas”.

Each then sits down and took their places behind the notation
board, prepared to play their string instruments. Not long after, the song
Di Bawah Sinar Bulan Purnama played. The unique arrangement of the
song reminded the audience of songs from old 50’s-60’s Indonesian films.

The opening song was the commencement of the Sa’unine string orchestra
concert, held at Bentara Budaya Jakarta, last January 28 2010.

For approximately one hour, the audiences were swept away by songs familiar
(and also unfamiliar) to the ears. Stambul Lagu Manis, Ilir-Ilir,
Ibuku Bumi, Cublak-Cublak Suweng, Padang Bulan, Paris Berantai; are
some of the songs performed that night.

Sa’unine was established in June 9, 1992. The community is a community
of string instrument players who mostly had conducted their study in
the ISI Jogjakarta. Besides concentrating on string instruments, Sa’unine
(Javanese for As Long As It Makes Sound) is also quite focused on the
Javanese culture. This community was then supported by the Tembi Culture

The performance that night was dedicated to the senior journalist P.
Swantoro, who happened to celebrate his birthday on January 26. Even
the musical repertoire that night, was named similar to one of the book
written by P. Swantoro, “The Past is Always Actual”. It was unfortunate
that due to health conditions, that one pioneer of Kompas newspaper
was not present.

Sa’unine also presented Silir Pukiwati to perform Lir-Ilir, and Krisna
Widianto to perform the song Derita. Silir’s piece with her unique sinden-
like vocal added to the richness of Javanese flavor that was in the
atmosphere that night.

This musical group then completed their performance with the game
songs of Javanese children; Cublak- Cublak Suweng, Padang Bulan dan
Gundul-Gundul Pacul. However, the enthusiasm of the audience kept the
group from getting off-stage. To answer the request, Sa’unine once again
performed Di Bawah Sinar Bulan Purnama, which finally wrapped up
their entire performance for the night.

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